Wednesday, August 1, 2007

sorry its been a while

I lost internet at my apartment so its been a while since I have updated everyone! Unfortunately my life hasnt changed much since I became lead guide of kayaks at Alaska Travel Adventures. I pretty much spend my days running errands, such as replacing the headlight on the van that carries all the paddles, getting gas for the chase boat, backing trailers onto the beach, talking to my boss who has no idea what she is talking about, yelling at seals so that maybe they will remember my voice, and teaching the ukrainian guy how to speak english. Thats right, my boss hired a ukrainian guy to lead kayak tours in alaska... how would you feel if you got off of your cruise ship to go kayaking and the guy giving you the tour can barely speak english...lovely! So thats my life right now, I am leaving for 5 days next week for Mer's wedding! I can't wait to be there. Although i look silly cause the sun out here is really bright so you can get a tan very easily, but since its still a bit chilly, I wear long sleeves. So my hands are very very tan, but the rest of my body is always covered and not quite so tan anymore... I think I'm gonna look really nice in that bridesmaids dress!

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