Saturday, June 16, 2007


Sitting on the beach last night, I saw one of the coolest animal behaviors i think I have ever seen. In order to claim dominance over another eagle, two bald eagles will fight over an object. But the fighting isn't physical, its more like playing chicken. They both have their talons locked on the object and they literally sprial around towards the ground until one lets go, thus the name: Spiral of Death. Sometimes, neither will let go and they will both hit the ground hard and bounce. These two didn't hit the ground but they came close and one of them bailed out proving to be the weaker of the two.

Bald eagles will also swim or drown themselves. If they reach into the water and catch a fish that is too heavy for them, they have grabbed so hard that they can't pry their talons back open to release the fish. So if the fish swims downward, it takes the eagle with it, drowning it. CRAZY

sorry, I have an obsession with animal behavior...

1 comment:

Food Finder said...

the closest thing i get to a "spiral of death" around here was last night when i went to the russian vodka room and drank infused vodka shots for four hours with work people... ooooof. yours sounds MUCH more exciting.

MISS YOU MOLLY. i'm so glad you're having fun and seeing such amazing things. i love the blog!!